
The tribes that make up America are so far apart in what they want the country to be that unity is impossible

Joe Biden’s cheery inaugural address was a plea for unity.  He wants both sides of this divided country to unify in some way, and to find agreement on how we move forward as a nation.

The poor old guy is delusional.  Biden’s America is a multi-racial, multi-cultural society which adheres to democratic norms.  Did you see those people who staged an insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on January 6?  They are the representatives of the half of America which is willing to cast aside our democratic traditions in order to maintain a country based on white supremacy and minority oppression.  These are two opposing views of America that can’t be reconciled.  There is no way to unify these two Americas.

This nation is now two warring tribes — Trumpites and Democrats.  This fight will only be settled when one side crushes the other.

South: A path of my own

Author: John Morris

With our friends’ warnings of impending civil war, certain death, and worse echoing in our heads, Kim and I set off for a place others were leaving on what would be the adventure of our lives: Twenty years in Africa during a tumultuous period of change. 

That adventure is at the heart of “South.”

South: A path of my own By John Morris. Now available at Amazon.com
South: A path of my own By John Morris