Donald Trump is not really our president

There's someone living in the White House, but he's not actually a president and we should ignore him

It may be best not to even think of Donald Trump as our president.  He’s not actually doing the things presidents do.  He’s just an insane person who as the result of some quirk is living in the White House.  He never wanted to be president.  He doesn’t know how to be president.  He lacks the ability to learn how to be president and do the things presidents do.  A president would be addressing our nation’s many problems.  Trump spends his days heckling his own administration.  He’s doing nothing to end the pandemic, and playing no role in helping congress address the economic crisis to which he contributed.  He’s not an actual president.  He’s just some guy spouting conspiracy theories and complaining about how unfair everything is to him.  We’d be better off if there was a way to ignore him.

South: A path of my own

Author: John Morris

With our friends’ warnings of impending civil war, certain death, and worse echoing in our heads, Kim and I set off for a place others were leaving on what would be the adventure of our lives: Twenty years in Africa during a tumultuous period of change. 

That adventure is at the heart of “South.”

South: A path of my own By John Morris. Now available at
South: A path of my own By John Morris