What's Going On Here

“In a country that prizes homeownership and deplores homelessness,
we’ve found a freedom, a way of living in between the two by house sitting.”

We are two modern-day nomads crisscrossing the United States – and occasionally slipping into Mexico and Canada – in an SUV loaded with pretty much all we have left after getting rid of our house, our other SUV, our furniture and the other things that fill a home, as well as most of our clothes and other belongings. Yes. We threw away our yearbooks and photo albums before we headed out on the road. We are without a home or fixed address – able to move around the country as we please.

We get by mainly by house sitting in the homes of strangers. People who are traveling themselves employ us to look after their homes and care for their pets – dogs, cats, birds, and pigs – while we live in those homes for the duration of the homeowners’ trip. From time to time, we also stay in rental houses – our Airbnb and VRBO days. So although we don’t have a home, we’ve never slept outdoors or in our car. We sleep each night in comfort. And we eat each week in great bakeries.

As we travel around this country, we write about the country we find and our experiences in it. We write about house sitting and our nomadic life, as well as the bad dogs, bakeries, people, and places we encounter, and we comment on the social, political, and sports issues of the day. All of that, you’ll find in this blog.

You can learn more about us by clicking on the “Who are these people?” tab above, and you can “Write to us” by clicking on that one.

Our essays are organized here by topic. You can find the ones on the topics that interest you by clicking on one (or more) of the eight topics below. Scrolling down farther will take you to our five most recent essays – regardless of topic – listed chronologically.

As is standard with these things, you can react to and comment on everything we write. We’d like to hear your stories as well.

Thank you for watching . . . or, in this case, for reading.